Councillors Blog
24th February 2017 by hannahclare
Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty This is a horrendous time for the city council’s funding. Figures from the Local Government Association tell us that almost 80% of councils the length and breadth of the country will struggle to make ends meet. Conservative government cuts are perpetuating inequality in our communities in Brighton and Hove. LGBT […]
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23rd February 2017 by hannahclare
Throughout the last number of weeks, the Green Group has examined the Labour budget proposals. Through a combination of reasonable charge increases, spend to save measures and a focus on prevention; we sought to reverse some of the most toxic proposals in the budget. Our group is allowed to submit amendments to Labour’s budget, […]
15th February 2017 by hannahclare
by Councillor Leo Littman When elected as a Councillor, I signed up to the seven principles of public life (–2) These include accountability and openness. Sadly, private companies which run many of our vital public services; from NHS contracts to railway franchises, are not obliged to make the same commitments. Often, the public have to […]
8th December 2016 by hannahclare
Earlier today, following our amendment that was submitted to Policy and Resources Committee, we have successfully called for a halt to the fast-moving sales of parcels of land in the Downland Estate. We put forward both a letter, setting out clearly why the Downland must be protected, but also two concrete proposals which, supported by […]
30th November 2016 by hannahclare
The cuts to youth services in Brighton and Hove just announced will mean the end of the local authority youth service
18th July 2016 by hannahclare
July 15, 2016 Green councillors yesterday set out their opposition to a council plan to introduce Public Space Protection Orders in the city’s open spaces, calling for a delay to allow time to improve the effectiveness of the proposals. The proposal was agreed by Labour and Conservative councillors at the meeting of the Policy […]
24th June 2016 by hannahclare
Greens vow to fight for workers and the environment after Brexit win June 24th, 2016 Green Councillors in Brighton and Hove have vowed to fight against a “bonfire of regulations” which could be seen following the EU referendum result to leave the EU. Greens say they will oppose any weakening of environmental protection or worker’s […]
9th June 2016 by hannahclare
BY CLLR PHÉLIM MAC CAFFERTY & CLLR OLLIE SYKES Hove Library is saved! Earlier today, Greens secured the future of Hove Library in its present home, while committing the Council to keep ALL of its libraries open for the foreseeable future. Following a joint amendment submitted by the Greens and the Conservative Group (Addendum Two […]
7th June 2016 by hannahclare
Greens say formal partnership could open up schools to academy takeover June 7th, 2016 Greens have expressed deep concerns following a Council decision to consult on creating a limited company or trust to improve the city’s schools. Greens say this is a first, dangerous step towards setting up a Brighton and Hove multi-academy trust […]
19th May 2016 by hannahclare
May 19th, 2016 Green Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty joined women, colleagues and friends of Brighton Women’s Centre today (Thursday) to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week with a group discussion event to promote self-care for women. The event was held on the grounds of St. Peters Church on Thursday 19th of May 2016 and saw participants […]
17th May 2016 by hannahclare
May 17, 2016 Green Councillors will join an event in Steine Gardens tonight, Tuesday, May 17, to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) from 6-7pm. The event will include a performance from trans poet Alice Denny, live music from the Rainbow Chorus, and a minute’s ‘noise’ to remember the international victims […]
13th May 2016 by hannahclare
Greens call out undemocratic fracking plans May 13, 2015 Local Green politicians today expressed their “grave concerns” with Treasury policy on fracking, as a letter from Minister Damian Hinds failed to deny that final decisions on fracking schemes could be taken out of the hands of local authorities. In the letter, Treasury minister Damian Hinds […]
10th May 2016 by hannahclare
Brighton & Hove City Council Green Group of councillors PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Greens urge Council to fight back against austerity May 10th, 2015 Greens this week slammed HM Treasury for its “short-sighted and callous” pursuit of cuts to local government in face of mounting evidence from local authorities that vital front-line services […]
7th May 2016 by hannahclare
Sadly, many people in our society are unable to cope with the fact that what they believe to be an inalienable truth, namely that everyone is determined from birth as either male or female, is not as unambiguous as they think. When fundamental beliefs are challenged, rather than accept that their simplistic view of the world may not be completely accurate, many look for someone to blame.
26th April 2016 by hannahclare
PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Hove Library move halted by Greens Labour delays decision on Hove Library move April 26th 2016 The Labour Council’s plans to move Hove Library have been put on hold this week, in response to an amendment drawn up by Green Councillors, which was due to be tabled ahead […]
19th April 2016 by hannahclare
Learning disability accommodation deemed not cost-effective amid Council cuts April 18th, 2015 Greens are urging the Labour Council to think again on proposals to outsource learning disability accommodation and care services, which could see some of the most vulnerable residents forced out of homes they have lived in for decades. Currently, despite most learning disability […]
18th April 2016 by hannahclare
Brighton & Hove City Council – Green Group of Councillors PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 15th, 2016 Green Councillors have expressed their anger over a report to be presented at next week’s Health & Wellbeing Board which recommends councillors close the Tower House Day centre and make “alternative arrangements” for its disabled users. […]
1st April 2016 by hannahclare
The Carnegie library in Lambeth is the subject of a sit-in protest by campaigners calling for the library to be kept open in its current form. Following the Council approval of the libraries plan in Brighton and Hove last week, which is set to see the Hove library Carnegie building close, I have written to […]
24th March 2016 by hannahclare
BY CLLR PHELIM MAC CAFFERTY In 2004, campaigners breathed a collective sigh of relief when a proposal to close Hove Library and move the service to Hove Town Hall was dropped, following extensive opposition from local residents. The campaign by Christopher Hawtree to Save Hove Library is remembered to this day. At the time, the Labour […]
18th March 2016 / 28th May 2022 by hannahclare
March 18th, 2016 Greens have expressed their concern over a consultation currently underway to introduce communal bins into historic seafront squares in the city. Greens say the Labour administration has made it clear their preference for communal bins, and are concerned that the consultation will be ignored if it shows a lack of support. Greens say […]
26th February 2016 by hannahclare
BY CLLR PHELIM MAC CAFFERTY Last night saw a devastating cuts budget passed for the city of Brighton & Hove, which will hit vulnerable older and disabled people, children and families hard as vital services are stopped. The budget scraped through only after Labour capitulated to Tory demands to cut trade union support for council […]
25th February 2016 by hannahclare
BY CLLR TOM DRUITT In my relatively short time as Councillor, I have seen first-hand how tremendously hard Council officers and staff work to provide high-quality services to our residents. It is often a thankless task, which might explain why according to a recent staff survey, only 29% of council staff felt valued. Another reason […]
BY PHÉLIM MAC CAFFERTY One of the biggest areas of concern in the upcoming Labour Council budget is Adult Social Care. Over the next four years Labour have made it clear that they will cut over £20.5 million from budgets to support disabled adults and older people. These cuts come amid growing evidence of a […]
12th February 2016 by hannahclare
BY CLLR PHÉLIM MAC CAFFERTY Brighton and Hove: Join us to wake up the Treasury! Saturday, 13 February, meet 10am at Brighton Station Wake up the Conservative government ministers to the cuts hitting Brighton and Hove and the reality of public sector cuts! Play a musical instrument, sing, blow a whistle, ring a bell or bang a drum […]