Contact our Brighton & Hove party office
For general enquiries, please contact our office.
Our core hours are Monday – Friday from 10am – 2pm.
You can contact us by e-mail on the form below
The Eco-Centre, 39 – 41 Surrey Street, Brighton, BN1 3PB
We’re on X/Twitter @BHGreens and facebook brightonhovegreens
There are different ways to contact Siân depending on what kind of help or information you need.
Our Local Green Party elected or co-opted officers (otherwise known as our Executive Committee) are responsible for the day to day running of Brighton & Hove Green Party.
They are elected every year by party members and act as the Party’s executive body, carrying out the will of local members.
Each role on the Executive Committee has different responsibilities. For more information on what they do, please contact the Chair 2023-4 Dan Rue
If you are interested in volunteering please get in touch with the local Party Chair.