Brighton and Hove Green Party reiterate their commitment this Black History Month

This Black History Month Brighton and Hove Green Party reiterate their commitment to move beyond acknowledgement and push forward real change.

Every year in October the UK celebrates the continued contributions and achievements of Black and Racially Minoritized backgrounds during Black History Month. Brighton and Hove Green Party reiterate their commitment to move beyond acknowledgement and to push forward real change.

In 2020 Brighton & Hove committed to become an Anti-Racist City. Greens believe that the success of this pledge hinges on giving the community who is affected the lead in developing and implementing  the Anti-Racism strategy. A new, paid, position of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer was created to better  engage with communities who experience racism. This step has already shown results with increased participation in  the Brighton & Hove Anti-Racism Communities Advisory Group (CAG) that acts as a crucial critical friend, advising the council in how to make meaningful change.

Together their dedicated work has guided the council to:

  • Develop an Anti-Racism Strategy document to define next steps and embed anti- racist best practice into the service
  • Co-create the council’s Fair & Inclusive Action Plan (FIAP) that underpins the continued dismantling of discrimination and inequality in the council and improve the diversity of the council at all levels so that it represents the community it serves. 
  • Launch the Diverse Talent Programme to support staff who are from Black and Racially Minoritized backgrounds with personal and professional development, increasing their confidence to progress careers and overcome barriers in accessing opportunities and gaining promotion.
  • Ring-fence the £110 000 from The World Re-imagined fund and retaining it specifically for anti-racist work.
  • Dedicate £53 000 to a Civic Leadership Programme to be delivered by the non-partisan organisation Operation Black Vote to support Black and Racially Minoritized residents to access leadership roles in politics and public service.
  • Support the Racial Harassment Forum, Possabililty People and the Rainbow hub in the launch of their third party Reporting Centre in May 2022.  The aim of this centre is for people to report hate incidents and to find support in a safe space.

Councillor Steph Powell, Co-chair of the Tourism, Equality, Culture & Communities Committee says: 

“We know that people from Black and Racially Minoritized backgrounds continue to experience more abuse and hate incidents than their white counterparts. Sadly, structural racism is still evident in our country.  For my own part I will continue to be an upstander, I will continue to speak out against racism and injustice.  We must all use our power and position to enable and effect the necessary changes to make a kinder and more respectful world.

“We will continue to listen to our diverse communities and to support them by giving them the tools they need to lead change. Guaranteeing the World Reimagined funding will provide those doing the work the security to pursue the ambitious shared aim of being an anti-racist city.

“Brighton and Hove is a City of Sanctuary welcoming all refugees and asylum seekers from war torn countries, persecution, and climate change. In this rising tide of racism and fascism we must be rooted by our principles and stay the course, no matter how difficult the conversations.”

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