Former Labour supporters in city back one or more of our Green MP candidates

Pic: L-R city MP candidates Sophie Broadbent, Sian Berry and Elaine Hills

2 July 2024: The Green Party of Brighton & Hove warmly welcomes and thanks the many Labour voters and activists across the city who are joining us in voting or endorsing one or more of our three Green MP candidates: Sian Berry in Brighton Pavilion, Elaine Hills in Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven and Sophie Broadbent in Hove & Portslade.

Writer and influencer Owen Jones and former Labour Party member: “Vote for Elaine Hills in Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven.”

Other endorsements from former Labour supporters from within the city and across the UK for Elaine Hills include:

Owen Jones and Elaine Hills general Election July 2024

Pic: writer and former Labour Party member Owen Jones endorses Elaine Hills as Green MP candidate for Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven

Rupert Wilkinson, Brighton & Hove Labour Party organiser: “The Labour Party is set to win a majority nationally, but without progressive voices in Parliament there will be no one to hold them to account. We need Green representatives in Brighton, Bristol and other parts of the country that can offer Real Hope and Real Change to ordinary working people.”

David in Kemptown: “I’m now voting Green…. On a wider picture Labour are reneging on almost every manifesto pledge ie: climate change reversal, taxation  of the rich, becoming pro car, keeping the two child benefit cap. They have a populist obsession with militarism and the arms race, an over-nationalistic use of the Union Jack [flag], a refusal to commit to safe & legal routes being the most effective economical and humane way to stop the boats. .”

John in Queens Park: “I voted for Lloyd Russell Moyle in the last election. To vote for [new Labour candidate] Chris Ward would be to endorse the obviously underhanded removal of an established local MP…”

Mike Davies, ex-Campaign Coordinator for Hanover & Elmgrove branch of the Labour Party, Brighton Pavilion Constituency Labour Party, said: “I have voted Green this time…”

Thelma Walker, former Labour MP, Colne Valley: “So we will only get the change this country needs if there’s political pressure, and that can only come from the Greens. So please vote Green so we can help the new Labour government move in a better direction.”

Thelma Walker, former Labour MP for Colne Valley, West Yorkshire, 2017-2019, said, “I was a proud Labour Party member for almost fourty years but recently that has changed, let me explain why.

“Labour have changed to try to win power but they’ve gone much too far: back-pedalling on their climate commitments, opening the door wider for NHS privatisation and continuing the Conservative’s cuts to education.

“And it’s for these reasons that I’m no longer a Labour Party member, and why I believe we must do what we can to stop the new Labour government going further in the wrong direction.  Our children and our grandchildren depend on it.”

“I’ve been in Parliament and I can tell you how it works: no matter how big Labour’s supermajority is, they won’t take the bold action required unless they’re pressured to. Labour MPs are whipped to follow the party line and cabinet ministers are bound by a code of conduct that means they cannot speak out.  

“So we will only get the change this country needs if there’s political pressure, and that can only come from the Greens. So please vote Green so we can help the new Labour government move in a better direction.”

“PS – in many areas voting Green is a win-win, you get a Labour government and a Green MP.”


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