Green budget amendments inject funding into crucial services as well as fund consultation to crack down on landlords.
Green councillors have submitted six amendments to their proposed budget, which will be voted on by all councillors at this Thursday’s budget council.
The amendments invest in valued public services though freezing councillors’ allowances, previously unallocated funds, generating additional parking income, increasing some fees and charges
If passed, the additional Green party amendments will reverse savings to:
- Youth arts programme, supporting young people to achieve an arts-based qualification
- Paid placements and supported employment, supporting people with disabilities to find work
- Youth-led grants and the communities fund, funding local charities and community groups with key projects
On top of this, the amendments seek to further invest in reducing homelessness and address the vital need for more housing in the city. In order to support renters and improve standards in the private rented sector, Green amendments will also ensure the introduction of a landlord licensing scheme.
This is on top of savings that councillors have already worked to reverse, which include those faced by nurseries, ensuring that Bright Start can remain open, and public toilets, alongside investing in a project manager to secure their long- term sustainability.
Greens say that despite a challenging financial outlook, they have ensured the protection of vital public services for city residents.
Cllr David Gibson, Co-Lead for Finance said:
“We have worked until the wire on ensuring we propose the best possible budget within the dire financial circumstances we face. Within the context of the cost-of-living crisis, increasing demand on services, inflation, the war in Ukraine, Brexit and austerity, we believe that combined with our amendments, and those from other parties, councillors will be able to vote on the best-possible budget under such difficult circumstances.
“Although the budget still contains unavoidable and painful cuts, we have focussed on ensuring that vulnerable communities are protected, and vital services continue to be funded. We will also ensure investment in schemes that tackle these crises head-on and support our city to thrive.”
Cllr Hannah Allbrooke, Deputy Leader of the Council and Chair of the Children, Young People and Skills committee added:
“This city remains one which spends higher on children and young people compared to other councils of similar sizes. That’s because through hard work we have protected vital services for children and young people such as youth services, nurseries and childrens’ centres. Our proposals seek to further protect these services, which we painfully had to put forward initially.
“Greens have offered this city an experienced, competent and reliable pair of hands in the context of the crises we face. We stepped up to lead the council when Labour could no longer, and we stepped up to navigate the city through this difficult budget. Labour councillors have already shown with irresponsible amendments to cut resident-led improvements to Elm Grove, delay spending on protecting our city’s trees from disease and propose cuts to Hove Library, that they are not up for facing this challenge. We urge them to reconsider these disastrous Labour-proposed cuts.”