Renato Marques and Geoff Shanks selected as Green Party candidates for Westbourne & Poets’ Corner Ward in May 2023 local elections

Brighton and Hove Green Party has selected Renato Marques and Geoff Shanks as candidates for Westbourne & Poets’ Corner Ward in the upcoming local council elections in May 2023.

Renato is a NHS Key worker and an EU citizen. He has been active in local politics and community campaigns since moving to the city in 2016. He previously stood for the Labour party in Patcham at the last set of local elections in 2019.

On his selection, Renato said:

“I joined the Green Party as they better represent the work I want to carry out in local communities and have a better vision for our city. As an immigrant who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community, I want to work to ensure that communities feel safe.

“Westbourne & Poets’ Corner is seeing a significant number of new developments, and while it’s fantastic to have much needed housing built in the area, we also need to make sure that the needs and concerns of local residents and business owners are addressed.”

Geoff Shanks is a local resident who has lived in Westbourne for four years and Brighton & Hove for twenty years. He is currently the Treasurer and a Trustee for a local charity and volunteers at another.

On his selection, he added:

“I am really pleased to be elected as a candidate for Westbourne & Poets’ Corner. When I have spoken to residents throughout the ward, it is clear that they value the strong sense of community. I look forward to working for them as their Councillor.

“I believe strongly in local democracy and that whenever possible decisions should be taken locally rather than nationally. I’m proud to be a member of a grassroots party that listens to, and speaks out for, local residents.”

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