Brighton and Hove Green Party has selected documentary editor Chloë Goldsmith and accessibility consultant Ricky Perrin as candidates for Regency ward in the upcoming local council elections in May 2023.
On her selection, Chloë Goldsmith said:
“I’m honoured to be standing as one of the Green Party candidates for Regency and hope to build on all the hard work Alex and Tom have done.
“With a cost of living crisis and the effects of years of Tory austerity being felt across the country, the decisions made by local councils have more of an impact than ever, and I want to make sure that a diverse range of voices are heard when those decisions get made. I’m passionate about equality, environmental justice, and ensuring that everyone in our city has access to secure and affordable housing.”
Ricky Perrin added:
“I love Brighton & Hove and everything about this city. I have used every service in the council, and I want to use those lived experiences to make things better for everyone.
“Regency is a complex mix of homes, businesses, shops and schools each carrying their own needs and which I would be proud to represent. I want to continue to tackle the real issues people and businesses face as we all recover from years of the austerity the Conservative government has imposed.”