Greens seek assurances for Saltdean residents as St Luke’s Surgery closes

Libby Darling, the Green Party candidate in the upcoming by-election in Rottingdean Coastal ward, has raised alarm at the closure of St Luke’s Surgery in Saltdean

Greens have today raised alarm at the closure of St Luke’s Surgery in Saltdean, announced last week by Sussex NHS commissioners.

Although in practice, patients will be supported by a different surgery in the same building, Greens say there is already concern about access to appointments.

This further GP surgery closure in the city, follows a number of ‘mergers’ or closures in the last few years. Green Councillor Sarah Nield previously raised the alarm at the closure of Matlock surgery in 2019.

Greens say that residents across Brighton & Hove must also receive more detailed information on how another GP closure will affect the capacity of primary care in Brighton and Hove, calling on the council and CCG to detail how any plans could affect access to a GP for local residents. 

Libby Darling, Green Candidate in the Rottingdean Coastal by-election said:

“Residents in Saltdean have already told me that they are finding it difficult to access GP appointments. I am now concerned about the impact that this closure will have on the local community. In particular, I am concerned that vulnerable or elderly patients will be most affected.

“I am also frustrated by the lack of information available. The website displays little clear information on what the changes will be and a promised Frequently Asked Questions section doesn’t appear visible. I hope that the practice makes things clearer, particularly for those less digitally savvy. 

“While it is good news that in practice, people will be going to the same place, residents will undoubtedly be questioning what care they will receive. After years of underfunding for our NHS from the Tory Government and the continued impact of the pandemic on service delivery, it is no wonder that residents are struggling to gain access.”


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