14th June 2012 by
Brighton and Hove Greens proud to continue to support equal marriage The Green Party at all levels of government- local, national and European- is showing its full support for the rights of same-sex couples to marry as the government closes its consultation. (1) The Green Party has the longest support for equal marriage of […]
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13th June 2012 by
The rules governing undercover police infiltrators and informers have come under intense scrutiny after a Parliamentary debate highlighted allegations that an undercover policeman infiltrating the animal rights movement planted and detonated an incendiary device in a department store. Speaking in a Westminster Hall debate on 13 June, Brighton’s Green MP Caroline Lucas challenged the […]
30th May 2012 by
Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion, has signed the international petition for a global ban on the use of animals to test cosmetics at The Body Shop in Brighton. The global pledge to ban animal testing for cosmetics was launched by Cruelty Free International last week at more than 300 Body Shop stores in the UK. Cruelty Free International […]
21st May 2012 by
Pic: Jenny Jones and Jason Kitcat try out the new 2m wide cycle lane on Old Shoreham Road in Hove (c) Jenny Jones, Green London Assembly Member, today joined Councillor Jason Kitcat, the new Leader Brighton & Hove City Council, and Councillor Ian Davey, chair of the city council transport committee, on a […]
17th May 2012 by
Lesbian, gay, bi and trans activists and Green elected representatives in Brighton and Hove are commemorating the 2012 International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) today and tomorrow, 17-18 May. Leading Greens will address or voice support for commemorative events in the city, including Councillor Phelim Mac Cafferty, new deputy leader of Brighton and […]
26th April 2012 by
Caroline Spelman MP the Conservative Food, Farming and Rural Affairs’ Secretary of State has joined Caroline in paying tribute to Brighton & Hove City Council’s sustainability drive. Brighton and Hove City Council’s efforts to reduce its ecological footprint and live and work within a fair share of the planet’s resources have been recognized in […]
20th April 2012 by
After this week’s Council of Europe conference in Brighton on modifying the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) relations with treaty states, leading Greens say they are “relieved” that the Brighton summit did not result in a weakening of the powers of the Court. In a joint statement, Caroline Lucas MP (Brighton Pavilion), Keith […]
27th March 2012 by
A Green councillor’s request for Brighton & Hove City Council’s Scrutiny function to explore the needs and experiences of trans people in Brighton & Hove has been unanimously backed at a meeting this afternoon. The proposal from Councillor Phelim Mac Cafferty was to convene a panel to look at hate crimes, health and community […]
21st March 2012 by
Pic: the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s burgundy budget briefcase: more true blue, certainly not green. Some headline sell-outs – ‘Environment versus economy’ rhetoric and tax breaks for oil and gas show Osborne still doesn’t get it – Coalition to bulldoze ahead with ‘growth at any cost’ planning reforms – Toxic 50p tax cut for […]
20th March 2012 by
Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas is championing a new campaign in Parliament to force the big supermarkets and food manufacturers to donate a proportion of their “waste” food to charities feeding people living in food poverty. The Food Waste Bill, launched last week by Kerry McCarthy, the MP for Bristol East, highlights the scale […]