Greens release list of achievements from two years of council leadership

Party lists numerous achievements on climate, equalities, health and economy in newly released report

Brighton & Hove Green Party has today released a report showcasing what they have delivered while leading the city council. The report lists more than 60 achievements and awards, showcasing the progress Greens have made in tackling the city’s biggest issues.

In July 2020, Labour found themselves no longer able to govern and Greens became the council leadership in the midst of the worst of the pandemic. Greens say that they are “making tough decisions” to keep the city moving forward and that the successes of their time in leadership show “what they could achieve over the next four”.

The achievements listed include:

  • Awarded £29 million for the Bus Service Improvement Plan as well as additional investment in walking and cycling infrastructure This includes the improvements to Western Road and cheaper buses for young people
  • Opened an Adult Education Hub, which has now helped more than 350 people in the city to improve their lives and job prospects. Most of the courses and workshops at the council-run hub are free to those who are unemployed or on an income less than £17,000.
  • Set up assistance with the cost-of-living crisis, including money advice, help with energy bills, food, wellbeing and warm spaces
  • Halved the number of rough sleepers (official annual November counts 2019-2022) and more than trebled the ‘Housing First’ placements which provide wrap-around support to people who have been homeless
  • Closed Kendal court, phased down Windsor Court and replaced private provision by buying a building to provide 38 in-house emergency homeless units
  • Agreed funding for the redevelopment of Brighton Youth Centre along with a new youth centre in Knoll Park
  • Adopted an Investment Plan to improve and develop sports facilities across the city
  • Upgraded 32 playgrounds across Brighton & Hove
  • Led the city through the height of the Covid pandemic. When Greens stepped out of line and advised primary schools to close in response to high Covid-19 figure in January 2021, the move was followed a few days later by a Government U-turn

Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council said:

“Greens are making the tough decisions to keep our city moving forward, making the best of a bad situation and stretching every penny in the face of continued Conservative cuts. As we make this council work for residents, we are pushing back against the government with the loudest voices, for the powers and funding we know Brighton & Hove needs and deserves.

“Along with our plan for action for the next 4 years, this report demonstrates a glimpse of what Green councillors have managed to do in only two years. Imagine what Greens could achieve over the next four. When you vote Green this Thursday 4th May, you vote for action: action on the climate crisis, and for a fairer Brighton and Hove.”

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