Brighton & Hove Green Party celebrate Trans Day of Visibility with a call for acceptance.

Brighton & Hove Green Party celebrate Trans Day of Visibility with a call for acceptance.

Today is the international Trans day of Visibility, to raise awareness of the discrimination trans and non-binary people face.

Cllr Steph Powell, co-Chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Culture & Communities committee said:

“As Greens we fully support everyone’s right to take pride in their identity. Being seen is the first step to being acknowledged and accepted.

“Today is a day to see our Trans siblings and respect them for who they are. Every day in the media, in the workplace, in schools and even at home trans individuals have to shoulder the weight of conforming to expectations. I am proud of the work we have done to bring the Trans Inclusion Toolkit into our schools to break down barriers and expectations so that the next generation can feel comfortable in their skin and find acceptance in place of the bullying that so many are subject to.”

Council Leader Cllr Phélim MacCafferty added:

“Today is International Trans Day of Visibility, and the Green party is proud to raise the trans flag at Brighton and Hove town halls to celebrate the trans and non-binary communities across our city and country.

“We do this against an increasingly hostile environment for the trans community at home and abroad. Harassment and violence against the trans community continues to increase in the UK with significant under reporting masking the real number of hate incidents. While in the USA, anti-trans legislation is being passed in several states.

“Building on the work of our historic trans equality scrutiny work right up to our ongoing work on trans equality today, it’s important that we stand up for a fairer, kinder Brighton & Hove and society. As Greens we acknowledge there’s still much work to do as we show our solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ community for a fairer society.”

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