Green comment on defection of Anne Meadows to the Conservative Group

Convenor of the Green Group, Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty, has commented on the recent news that former Labour Councillor Anne Meadows has defected to the Conservative group.

He said:

“Just a few months since Anne Meadows stated live on TV that she would “not vote Labour in the next election” it is little surprise that she has defected from Labour to the Conservatives. Labour has been consumed by divisions: the former Labour leader Warren Morgan was ousted in a political coup, Caroline Penn quit in protest, we have had three Children Committee Chairs in as many years and now Anne Meadows has defected. What a mess!

“In 2015 Labour promised they would get the basics right. But from overflowing bins and rampant graffiti to defecting Councillors, far from ‘getting the basics right’ Labour’s many council pledges now lie in tatters. While splits consume the other two parties, Greens are united in our commitment to work hard for our communities and remain focused firmly on the important local issues affecting our city. It is Greens who have pushed for action on homelessness, fought cruel welfare reform, for answers on the impact of a catastrophic Brexit and forced our council to wake up to the climate change emergency.

“With Tory austerity continuing to hammer our city, and a Labour group unable to lead the council, it is the Greens who are united with a plan for the future of Brighton and Hove. Residents deserve better than Labour incompetence or a de-facto Tory council, and we look forward to sharing our manifesto for action, ready for the upcoming council election on May 2nd.” 

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