True opposition: UK’s first Green MP welcomes Labour to Brighton with digital billboard ad


Labour Party members attending their conference in Brighton this week, in the constituency of the UK’s first Green MP, are being welcomed by a digital billboard making the case that it is Caroline Lucas who is offering the real opposition in parliament.

Video: 10 second digital billboard ad to greet Labour delegates arriving in Brighton from Caroline Lucas MP

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The digital advert is on display prominently on Queen’s Road – one of Brighton’s main thoroughfares.

assets/images/local_parties/brighton/Labour conference/Caroline Lucas Lab Conference 2013web.jpg

Pic: Caroline Lucas welcomes Labour Party delegates –
main screen on Queens Road Brighton (

The street is the main route down which Labour delegates and lobbyists who arrive by train will travel to reach the conference at the sea-front Metropole Hotel.*

The ad starts with a check list, against a red backdrop, reading: “Saving the NHS, Fighting Austerity, Railways in Public Hands, Scrapping Trident.”

As the screen turns green, the billboard says “Brought to you by the Green Party.”

The final screen displays a photo of Caroline Lucas MP and reads:

“Welcome to Brighton – Home of the True Opposition in parliament p.s. Labour is down the hill on the right.”

Rob ShepherdRob Shepherd, Chair of Brighton and Hove Green Party, said, “We know a lot of Labour members want their party leadership to stand up to austerity and NHS privatisation, and to support progressive policies such as public ownership of the railways.

“We wanted to remind them that there’s an MP already fighting for these causes in parliament.

“It would be great to see Labour members using their conference to encourage Ed Miliband to follow Caroline’s lead on standing up for these causes, and bring together a powerful coalition of voices to reverse the consensus that austerity and privatisation are the only game in town.”

The Green Party’s own autumn conference took place last weekend, also in Brighton.

In her conference speech Caroline Lucas criticised cuts to welfare and local services, and argued that it is the Green Party, rather than Labour, that is offering the real opposition to the Government’s agenda of austerity and privatisation.

She is speaking at two events at Labour’s conference: a Compass panel discussion called ‘Labour – an open tribe?’ and an Institute for Public Policy Research event titled ‘The Condition of Britain’.

Her Private Member’s Bill to bring the railways back into public hands is due its second reading next month.


For more information please contact the Brighton and Hove Green Party office on 01273 766 670.


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