Ollie Sykes wins Brunswick & Adelaide city council by-election

Ollie Sykes candidate for Brunswick & Adelaide city council by-election 4 July

Updated Friday 5 July 2024

Ollie Sykes has won the Brunswick & Adelaide city council by-election taking the recently vacated seat off Labour with 41% of the vote and a majority of 320 over Labour.

Ollie Sykes has been elected City Councillor for Brunswick & Adelaide ward.

Greens welcome Ollie Sykes as the new Green Party Councillor for Brunswick and Adelaide

Ollie Sykes, who was previously a councillor in the ward from 2011-19, won the by-election with a majority of 320 votes

Brighton and Hove Green Party is celebrating a by-election win by former Brunswick & Adelaide councillor, Ollie Sykes, yesterday, Thursday 4th July.

Held on the same day as the general election, Greens felt positive that Ollie was the candidate to “hold Labour to account” in this area of the city with its history of voting Green.

Representing Brunswick & Adelaide between 2011-2019, Ollie campaigned successfully to stop the Labour-led council selling Hove Library and the council’s precious downland estate, as well as finding funds to be able to invest millions of pounds into climate action.

Cllr Ollie Sykes: “The story of the night is that Brighton Pavilion remains Green and that’s fantastic. Greens re-gaining the seat in Brunswick & Adelaide may not quite be at the top of the news agenda but I’m honoured that voters have chosen me to represent them.”

Last year, Brunswick & Adelaide was lost by just six votes. Greens say this win represents growing dissatisfaction with how the Labour administration is being run and the decisions they are making.

Ollie Sykes, newly elected Councillor for Brunswick and Adelaide said:

“The story of the night is that Brighton Pavilion remains Green and that’s fantastic. Greens re-gaining the seat in Brunswick & Adelaide may not quite be at the top of the news agenda but I’m honoured that voters have chosen me to represent them.

“Having been a Councillor in the ward for eight years, I know it well and can’t wait to get stuck in and get to work straight away.”

Councillor Steve Davis, Convenor of Green Group said:

“We are delighted to welcome Ollie to join our fantastic group of Green Councillors. He brings with him years of experience and a wealth of knowledge that will help us be an even more effective opposition.

“The fact that Labour have lost this seat less than a year and a half after they narrowly won it at the last local elections, shows that people are already unhappy with how this administration is being run. We will continue to hold them to account and represent the views of residents in the council chamber.”


Candidate name and partyNumber of votes
Alice Burton – Labour Party1,873
Jamie Rutherford Gillespie – Independent98
Claire Lachlan – Liberal Democrats389
Olly Sykes – Green Partyelected2,193
Chris Woodley – Brighton & Hove Independents588

The turnout for this ward is 5,231. 65.14% of an electorate of 8,030.

30 June 2024 – while there’s an historic general election happening this week on Thursday, it’s easy to forget there’s also an important city council by-election in Brunswick & Adelaide in Hove.

To residents in Brunswick & Adelaide

Our neighbourhood and the whole city desperately needs a strong oppostion voice to the Labour-run city council, especially if we have a Labour government.

Ollie has already shown that he can serve the neighbourhood having represented residents for eight years 2011-2019. Vote in Ollie for record of loyal public service and for a strong opposition to Labour.

A vote for Ollie is a vote to keep an eye on what Labour does locally and what they may do if, as is likely, they are elected to office nationally on Thursday.

You can also choose to vote for Sophie Broadbent, the Green MP candidate for Hove & Portslade when you cast your vote. Remember to bring photo ID with you if you are voting in person on Thursday. Polling stations are open 7am to 10pm.

“[Labour’s new way of running the council] is a worrying power-grab and means it’s even more important that as many opposition councillors are elected to hold them to account.”

Ollie said, “The Labour group of councillors voted to change the ‘cabinet’ system where a small group of councillors run everything to committee when in opposition in 2013 and now they’ve done a U-turn and changed it back despite this not being made apparent in their manifesto.

“It’s a worrying power-grab and means it’s even more important that as many opposition councillors are elected to hold them to account.

“I will challenge Labour to stick to their promises and challenge decisions which don’t serve the best interests of residents, which I have experience of from serving in opposition to a Labour-led council between 2015-2019.” 

About Ollie

Ollie Sykes explains why residents need a Green councillor back in Brunswick & Adelaide.

“I’m an environmental scientist and project manager by training; I’ve lived in the city with my wife Jo for 22 years.

“I’ve been active in the Green Party for much of that time and has served as city Councillor for Brunswick and Adelaide Ward over eight years, and as a UK parliamentary and European parliamentary election candidate.

“Outside politics, I’ve worked in a variety of fields including UK industrial process biochemistry, international development in Africa, developing coastal flood defences with the Environment Agency and as a climate change consultant in a major civil engineering consultancy.

“I’ve been deeply involved in our city and has served as a trustee in local charities and not-for-profits including the Cornerstone Community Centre.

“I also work as a Director of our city’s ground-breaking Brighton and Hove Food Partnership.”

“I’m a keen cyclist, an occasional surfer and a lover of live music. 

“Thank you if you can support me on Thursday.”

To help Ollie’s campaign or request a window poster, contact the Green Party office on 01273 766 670 or email:  [email protected]

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