Greens march with Trans Pride in solidarity with the Trans community and against transphobia

Members of Brighton & Hove Green Party are due to join the Trans Pride March in Brighton on Saturday 15th July which starts from Jubilee Square at 11.00am.

Green MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas will be speaking at the start of the march and Green Councillor Raphael Hill, Brighton & Hove’s first openly trans councillor, will be addressing the celebration in Brunswick Square following the march. This year’s march marks the 10th Anniversary of Trans Pride Brighton.

Councillor Raphael Hill said:

“We live in a climate of growing hostility towards trans people, especially towards those who also face racism too. Celebrities, media figures and politicians from both Labour and Conservatives compete to attack our communities.

“Trans Pride is an essential opportunity for a coalition of dehumanised voices to come together from across the city to demonstrate that we are not a quiet, marginal group to be cast aside, but a powerful community that defends itself.”

Caroline Lucas MP added:

“I’m so proud that Brighton & Hove is home to the first ever Trans Pride in the UK, and it’s inspiring to see how much it’s grown over the past 10 years. This event is about celebrating diversity, but it’s also about demanding equality. Transphobic hate crime is on the rise, and the Government is stoking a fabricated culture war putting trans people at even further risk. 

So much amazing work is already being done by organisations here in Brighton to stand shoulder to shoulder with the trans community. I’ll continue doing all I can in Parliament to challenge the Government’s pernicious rhetoric, and push for love and acceptance over hatred and fear.”


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