Statement on Domestic Violence provision

“We are absolutely aware of and understand the concerns of our community regarding the future of domestic violence provision by local charity RISE. People feel passionately about the service RISE have been able to offer, and Green Councillors have been meeting with petitioners raising these issues.

“The process of developing the latest domestic and sexual violence commission was proposed to committee back in 2018. However councillors are prohibited through procurement law from scoring and awarding contracts. Greens became the administration in July 2020 so we are asking many of the same questions to understand how the present situation unfolded.

“Greens are also exploring what we can do next, within the constraints of the legal procurement rules. At the last meeting of Policy & Resources Committee we worked cross-party to help establish a transition fund for the sector and also worked to insert specific new measures that will help enhance work the council does to look at social value. Now the commission has concluded, we have also sought full assurance that vital refuge services will continue through the new provider, as it’s essential people know they will be able to access refuge beds if they need them.”


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