New Green leadership team unveil pledge to the city

The new convenorship team of the Green Group on Brighton and Hove City council has today revealed their pledge to the city, following the local election results.

Councillor for Brunswick & Adelaide Phélim Mac Cafferty has been re-elected as Convenor for a fifth term, having led the Green Party through their growth to 19 councillors in the local elections.

He is joined by returning Councillor Sue Shanks as Deputy Convenor (Internal Relations) Councillor Shanks was recently elected as a Councillor in St Peter’s and North Laine ward, having previously represented the Green Party in Withdean ward between 2011-2015.

The Green Party’s new convenorship team is completed by fellow Brunswick & Adelaide Councillor Hannah Clare as Deputy Convenor (External Relations). Hannah, 26, was elected for the first time in May and brings experience as a Digital Communications Manager for a local charity.

Following their election, and discussions within Brighton & Hove Green Party, the new convenorship team unveiled their pledge to Brighton & Hove. It reads:

We thank the city for electing so many new Green voices and we welcome the invitation from Labour to discuss how we can work together to make a difference for our residents. Yet political parties are not the only voices. To achieve truly transformative politics, we also need to take the conversation about how to tackle these issues back to our communities.

Greens pledge to residents in our city that we will work with all partners – from the Labour Party, to our community groups, voluntary sector and local businesses – to deliver urgent action on critical issues; especially our climate crisis, housing and homelessness and austerity. 

We would welcome the opportunity to work with Labour Councillors to set up our shared vision of a citizen’s assembly on the climate crisis. We are also keen to explore a City Climate and Biodiversity Crises Summit. We believe now is the time for cross-party action on housing and homelessness. In the face of national uncertainty from a disastrous Brexit, all parties must jointly uphold our status as a city of sanctuary and welcome. 

Over the next four years we will work with the Labour council to achieve what is best for our city. We will never fail to challenge on behalf of our residents, and we will also present new ideas and hold Labour to account when scrutiny is needed. We pledge to stand up for what is best for our city; and to continue to hold our council to the high standards our city expects and deserves. 

Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty said:

“I am thrilled to unveil our promise to the city today that shows our commitment to doing politics differently and working collaboratively on the issues that residents have regularly told us are their highest concerns.

“Having discussed this with our party membership, we will bring our pledge into discussions with the Labour Group of Councillors over the coming weeks offering a new kind of politics for the residents of Brighton & Hove”.

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