Greens back petition demanding carbon neutral city by 2030

Over 1000 people call for action after Greens push for climate emergency declaration 

The Green Group of Councillors have responded to a petition signed by 1,310 people calling on Brighton and Hove City Council to commit to zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Councillor Ollie Sykes, who successfully called on Brighton and Hove City Council to declare a climate and biodiversity emergency in December last year, commented:

“Earth’s climate and biodiversity are in crisis and the evidence of this is all around us. Our Council voted unanimously to declare a climate and biodiversity emergency and now we need to act. We’re demanding that our Council now makes efforts to publicise the declaration and to promote action to address climate change and ecological destruction within its area of control and with partner organisations across the South. This is not difficult, expensive or controversial. But it is critical for the future of our home.”

Greens will seek to strengthen the request of the petition at a meeting of Full Council today, 31st January. Members of climate action group Extinction Rebellion will also gather outside Brighton Town Hall in support of the petition. 


[1] ‘Success for Greens as Climate and Biodiversity emergency declared in Brighton and Hove.’ December 14, 2018

[2] Brighton Extinction Rebellion: ‘BHCC Climate Emergency Motion Debate Support.’


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