Brighton & Hove Green Party Calls for Women to Stand as Councillors

20 November 2018

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to stand as MPs, we’re renewing our call for women to stand in next May’s council election.

Wednesday 21 November is #AskHerToStand day, where womens’ organisations are calling for women to put themselves forward in elections. [1] It celebrates the anniversairy of women being elligible to stand in parliamentary elections, which happened 100 years ago (Wednesday 21st November 1918). [2]

Next May, we’re looking to have a strong representation of women and other marginalised genders. We’ve already selected a number of amazing women to represent the Green Party at the ballot box next May.

But we still need you. Could you represent the Green Party on Brighton and Hove City Council? 

Get inspired

We spoke to some of our current candidates about why they put themselves forward:

Sue Shanks, Candidate for St Peter’s and North Laine ward said:

“I am standing because I want to improve people’s lives in the city.  I have knowledge skills and experience to offer and I will work hard. I will speak up against injustice and try to ensure the council is fair to everyone.”

Marianna Ebel, Candidate for Goldsmid ward said:

“For too long politics has been dominated by old white men. I’m standing in the upcoming council elections because if you want change, then you must be the change.”

Hannah Clare, Candidate for Brunswick and Adelaide ward said:

“Our voices are so important in ensuring that politics represents everyone. Please consider putting yourself forward for election – I’d love for you to join our green team next May.”

Could this be you?

If you’re interested in being a candidate next May, please contact us. You can email us at [email protected] or pop into our office in Surrey Street.

Would you like more advice from our current candidates? Email us above and we can put you in touch.




[3] Women gained the right to stand in some council elections in the late 1800s, with full equality being achieved in 1907

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