Greens delighted to join 4th Trans Pride march Saturday 23rd July

Green Councillors will join hundreds of people on the streets of Brighton this weekend to show their support and solidarity for this year’s Trans Pride solidarity march on Saturday 23rd July.

2016 marks the fourth TransPride march, which is an opportunity to promote equality and celebrate the gender diversity, history and identity of the city’s varied Trans communities.

The march will set off at 12 noon, from the Marlborough pub on Princes Street, Brighton and will finish at the TransPride main event in Brunswick Square. It is part of a weekend of Trans Pride activities, including film screenings, a beach picnic, a party and video projection onto Brighton Town Hall.

Cllr Phélim Mac Cafferty, Convenor of the Green Group of Councillors who is attending the march, said:

“Our trans communities are a hugely valued part of our city and we are proud to stand together with them. Greens have been enthusiastic supporters of Trans Pride from the very start and we’re proud to march in solidarity with the trans community on this, the 4th Trans Pride.

“I’m proud that in recent years Greens stood up with our city’s Trans community. When leading the council we moved on the 37 recommendations brought forward from the Scrutiny panel I chaired, set up to help our trans community. [2]

“Today, for example we have the country’s very first detailed plan to reduce the health inequalities facing the trans community, a trans toolkit for teachers and improved hate crime incident reporting.

“Despite the work of the council and others, huge issues still face the trans community: according to the Trans needs assessment, one in three had self-harmed in the last five years; 64% of trans people had experienced verbal abuse; trans people are vulnerable to homelessness. There is no question that action has helped but the needs assessment shows above all that work on trans equality must continue and deepen.

“Greens remain fully committed to making that equality a reality and with the trans community we will push together to make it happen. This march is an excellent opportunity to remind everyone that there is still much to do to stand up for trans equality. Greens will continue to work hand in hand with the trans community for a fairer future.”

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