The new team to lead the Greens in opposition on Brighton & Hove City Council has been announced. This was following a ballot at a hustings meeting attended by over one hundred local party members.
Councillor Phélim MacCafferty has been elected as Convenor of the group. Councillor Alexandra Phillips has been elected as Deputy for External Relations. Councillors Lizzie Deane and Louisa Greenbaum have been elected to job-share the role of Deputy for Internal Relations.
Phélim MacCafferty said:
“We can go into opposition with our heads held high. We have brought positive changes to the city including bringing in an unprecedented amount of external funding. Despite the government’s failed austerity programme which has been supported by the Labour Party nationally, we have championed fairness.
“We are now in a much harsher landscape from four years ago. With a fresh mandate, the Tories in Downing Street will seek to accelerate the decimation of public services. We will speak out to vociferously reject these ideologically driven cuts and also make every effort to safeguard the many projects we initiated during our administration.”
Councillor Alexandra Phillips set out her vision:
“We will use our time in opposition to get across positive messages through campaigning together with our local communities, which show that Greens have a strong vision and a coherent strategy for the city. I would like to work especially with our Finance Lead, our 2,000 strong local party membership as well as our broader supporter base in giving the city an alternative budget proposal. This will show residents that we are the only party with a credible plan to make Brighton & Hove a greener, fairer city.”
Councillors Lizzie Deane and Louisa Greenbaum concurred:
“It is critically important, as we find ourselves in opposition, that we hold the new Labour administration to account. It is essential that we do not allow them to unravel the many Green achievements that we worked so hard to attain for the benefit of Brighton and Hove residents. We will be effective in this as we challenge them with a united voice.”
For more information please contact the Brighton and Hove Green Party office on 01273 766 670 or email [email protected]