Community Not Cuts – UNISON Rally
Thurs 30th Jan, 3:30pm, Hove Town Hall
Event link: https://fb.me/e/2vbwUy9H8
“More cuts. More job losses. fewer services. without a people’s budget, more decline is on the way for Brighton and Hove.”
A Labour Council, and a Labour government – yet Brighton & Hove UNISON’s warning about what’s to come for our city is simple. Unless Labour support a true people’s budget, vital public services will continue to collapse. Our schools, our communities can’t take anymore cuts. Labour were elected promising change – so far all they’ve offered is more of the same.
This Thursday, Brighton & Hove Greens will be bringing a motion to Full Council supporting UNISON’s campaign to #BringItBack and reverse over a decade of austerity measures in which the national government has taken £110 million that could have gone towards our transport, schools, parks, communities, and care. Local government services continue to be squeezed by rising costs and central government’s refusal to provide the necessary funding. If Labour want growth, they must recognise that public investment, not cuts, are the only answer.
Before the meeting, Brighton & Hove UNISON, Brighton Hove and District Trades Union Council, and Collective Action will be rallying for Community, Not Cuts – supporting of the Green motion, and calling on Brighton & Hove City Council to stand up to central government, and stand up for Brighton & Hove.
Join us tomorrow, Thursday 30th January at 3:30pm outside Hove Town Hall, and join us in saying enough is enough. Brighton & Hove needs a people’s budget.
Find out more about the rally here: https://fb.me/e/2vbwUy9H8