Brighton and Hove Greens launch easy-read version of manifesto ahead of accessibility hustings

An easy read version of the Brighton and Hove Green Party manifesto has been produced ahead of SpeakOut’s ‘We are the Being Heard in Government Group (BHIG Group)’ accessible hustings this week.

The manifesto, designed for people with learning difficulties in line with Easy on the I guidelines, is now available online.

Green Party Councillor Lizzie Deane, who will be the party’s lead spokesperson at the hustings said:

“Brighton and Hove Green Party is committed to making the local democratic process as inclusive as possible. There are almost 6,000 people in the city with learning disabilities, and many more who have reading difficulties and we hope that this easy-read document will help engage with many of them.

“We want a city where people with a learning disability and their families and carers are listened to and included in the decisions that affect their lives.

“It’s brilliant that the BHIG Group have organised these accessible hustings. It’s great to know that there will be a ‘mock election’ for attendees with a chance to see what it will be like at the polling station and complete a ballot paper in a makeshift polling booth. I and my fellow Green candidates are really looking forward to this important event.”

A team of five Green Party candidates will be attending SpeakOut’s Being Heard in Government Group Hustings April 16th 10.30 -12.30 at The Purple Playhouse in Montefiore Road.

The easy-read copy of the Brighton and Hove Green Party Manifesto will be available at the hustings and online here.


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