Brighton & Hove Greens support second Youth Strike for Climate

Green Party activists, candidates and politicians joined Brighton & Hove children striking from school to demand the Government takes real action on climate change.

The march, which saw hundreds of schoolchildren marching through the centre of Brighton was joined by Councillor PhélimMac Cafferty, Convenor of the Green Group and members of the Young Greens, including several young candidates for the council elections on Thursday 2nd May.  

The movement was inspired by Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish activist who went on school strike last August. Tens of thousands of children have since walked out of school in similar protests across the world.

The Green Party has called on the Government to listen to the young people on strike and act on their demands – and has urged parents and teachers to support and celebrate children and young people who want to take civic action as part of the strike.

Young Greens Organiser and candidate for Brunswick & Adelaide Hannah Clare said: 

“When the Government is failing to take the action we need, it’s important that young people are supported in striking for climate action.” 

Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty said:

“I’m proud to show my support once again for the young people striking for their futures. I call upon those in power to listen to their demands. I’m also proud too that Green councillors have recently won important changes to the council budget, including winning £500,000 to help our city challenge climate change.”


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