Green Party launches regional ‘Greener In’ campaign in Brighton


The Green Party launched its regional ‘Greener In’ campaign this morning in Brighton, highlighting how vital Green supporters in the South East will be in order to win the vote for the UK to stay in the EU.

Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas was joined on Brighton beachfront today by the Green Party MEP for the South East, Keith Taylor, regional councillors and local supporters as she declared that the Green Party in the South East would be “loud and proud” in championing the case for the UK’s continued membership of the EU. She said:

“The Green Party has a unique voice in this debate. We’re going to run a bold, positive campaign that celebrates what the EU has given us. Not only has the EU brought us key environmental protections and rights at work – but it’s been central to securing a lasting peace within this continent after centuries of conflict.”

Organisers made the most of the spring sunshine to launch a South East Green Party ‘photo petition’. Armed with banners emblazoned with the Party’s ‘Greener In’ slogan, activists, campaigners, and politicians alike held up placards answering the question, ‘why are we are voting Remain?’

Keith Taylor, a vocal air pollution campaigner who was in Brighton earlier this week meeting researchers at the University’s state-of-the-art air pollution monitoring station, said:

“I am campaigning for the South East to vote Remain because I believe that the best way to tackle the collective challenges the UK and Europe face is to work together on shared solutions. Issues such as climate change, the health of our oceans and air pollution are particularly relevant here in the South East, but, crucially, they are issues that show no respect for borders and require collaborative and cooperative solutions.”

Surrey Cllr Jonathan Essex, South East Green Party Chair, said:

“With corporations operating across our borders, attempting to drive down wages and environmental standards we need the European Parliament to set standards to improve our air quality and waste management, support our farmers and local businesses, and help us protect our beautiful landscapes and wildlife across the South East. Yes we agree it is not perfect, and it needs reform, but we are much better placed to do that from within the EU”.

The launch event was also attended by Green Party Councillors, Young Greens and Green Party members from throughout the South East.

For more information or to arrange interviews please contact [email protected] 

Follow the campaign online: #GreenerIn on Twitter and 


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