Greens welcome essential investment for Shelter Hall and seafront road


Green councillors are delighted that progress is being made on restoring Brighton’s historic Kings Road arches, with the planned rebuilding of Shelter Hall. The £9million funding from the government’s Highways Maintenance Challenge Fund was won under the previous Green administration with cross-party support.

Green Group convenor, Cllr. Phelim Mac Cafferty said:

“We are delighted to see this progress with Shelter Hall. This is the second stage of work being carried out to restore this section of seafront arches. 25 arches were recently rebuilt and small retailers have moved in. A further 33 are being rebuilt by the i360: a small example of our commitment to the growth of small businesses. Now work is beginning at Shelter Hall. Together with the other recent investment in the Kings Road arches, it will help secure not just the main road but also our historic seafront, both essential to the city’s economy and vibrancy. Road works and some disruption will be inevitable but worth it in the longer term.”

He added: “While a strong cross-party consensus on this work has helped to maintain momentum over the longer term, I’m proud that the previous Green administration got to grips with and reversed years and years of neglect of these arches and brought the money in to turn things around.”



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