Green leader of Brighton & Hove City Council, Councillor Jason Kitcat, has won the ‘Judges Special Award for Contribution to Local Government’ at the sixth annual LGIU (Local Government Information Unit) Councillor Achievement Awards.
The award ceremony was held this week in Westminster at the Lord Mayor’s Parlour, Westminster City Council.
The Awards are the only national ceremony to honour the hard work of councillors from across the country.
With nearly 200 nominations, competition was described by the LGIU as “extremely tight this year”.
The winners were selected by a group of judges made up of local government experts and councillors.
Jason’s award was unanimously agreed by the judging panel in recognition of the huge number of achievements the Greens had been able to deliver.
Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGiU said. “It is a real privilege to honour the outstanding efforts of these councillors who work day in and day out to make our communities healthier, our streets safer and our public services stronger.
“The 2015 Councillor Award winners have set the bar for all Councillors with their exemplary leadership and passion for change.
“We congratulate them and look forward to hearing about their future success.”
Jason Kitcat has been leader of B&H City Council since May 2012, overseeing the tenure of the UK’s first Green administration for the last three years.
Jason said,”I’m delighted to receive this award and for the spotlight that it shines on Brighton & Hove as the UK’s first Green-led city.
“In spite of being a minority administration, faced with the most severe and relentless funding cuts ever made by central government, we and our partners have been successful in protecting vital services while drawing in substantial investment for innovative projects which are helping to keep Brighton going as a successful economy and top visitor destination.”
Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, welcomed the award, saying, “It is timely and appropriate as we near the close of a hugely challenging city council term, with devastating budget cuts inflicted on local councils by the Coalition, that Jason’s dedication and hard work on behalf of the city as council leader is recognised nationally.”
For more information please contact the Brighton and Hove Green Party office on 01273 766 670.
The Local Government Information Unit (LGiU): A think tank and membership body with 200 councils subscribing. They work to strengthen local democracy and put citizens in control of their own lives, communities and local services. For more information, visit
The full list of winners is available on the LGIU website: