Commenting on the deferral of a report that was due to be considered at the Health & Wellbeing Board meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 10th June), Councillor Jason Kitcat, Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board said:
“I have deferred the report on learning disability homes from tomorrow’s Health & Wellbeing Board meeting agenda so that the issues it raises can be considered at a future meeting as part of a wider review. I’d like to thank all in Adult Social Care services who have produced reports for our consideration this week.
“However I believe we need to have a wider look at the council’s learning disability services in the round, rather than in a piecemeal way. The time is right to take a step back to look at best practice and research evidence from elsewhere. Thanks to feedback and my recent visits to council learning disability services I have furthered my appreciation of the issues at hand. I intend to undertake more visits in the coming weeks. Our ambition must be to modernise our services to provide the best possible outcomes for all service users with learning disabilities.”
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