Pic: guide dog courtesy of Adactio
Green councillors on Brighton & Hove City Council are supporting a council campaign to make the city’s streets safer for pedestrians.
June sees the start of a targeted awareness and enforcement campaign by Brighton & Hove City Council to create safer pavements in key areas of the city.
Supported by Sussex Police and the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, action will be focused on areas where residents and councillors have requested help with illegal and obstructive parking, as well as parking and driving on pavements.
Parking on pavements or on or behind double yellow lines is illegal and dangerous to all road users.
Posters and warning notices will be issued for the first three weeks of June, followed by a week of enforcement action.
Green councillors recently participated in a blindfold challenge with Guide Dogs UK, which revealed how obstacles on pavements can be extremely dangerous and disorientating for people who are blind or partially-sighted.
Guide Dogs UK are one of many organisations who support a ban on pavement parking, also including Disabled Motoring UK, Living Streets and the British Parking Association.
Green councillor Pete West, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, said, “A minority of drivers park illegally and inconsiderately on pavements not only creating an obstacle but threatening pedestrians’ lives as they drive along pavements.
“This is especially dangerous near schools, nurseries, community facilities and shops, where it can get busy; it also becomes very difficult for people with buggies, with wheelchairs or who are blind or partially sighted to get around safely.
“By reminding people of the law and taking action against persistent offenders, we can ensure the safety of more vulnerable residents and make our pavements safer.”
Geraint Evans, Mobility Team Manager for Guide Dogs, said, “Imagine you have to step into a road where you can’t see oncoming traffic.
“People who are blind or partially sighted have to face this shocking reality every day when cars are parked on pavements.
“We are delighted that Brighton & Hove City Council is taking measures to prevent this form of inconsiderate and dangerous parking.”
For more information please contact Brighton and Hove Green Party press office on 01273 766 670.
*Full details of the campaign can be found on the council website here: http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/content/press-release/council-tackles-pavement-parking
*Prevention of pavement parking is supported by a range of organisations including:
– Guide Dogs UK: http://www.guidedogs.org.uk/supportus/campaigns/streets-ahead/streets-ahead-news/guide-dogs-calls-for-safer-parking-laws/
– Disabled Motoring UK: http://www.disabledmotoring.org/campaigns/pavement-parking
– British Parking Association: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201314/cmselect/cmtran/970/97005.htm
– Living Streets: http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/make-a-change/urgent-actions/pavement-parking