No place for you here: leading Greens show solidarity with anti-fascists in counter-demo against 'March for England'


Pic: Opposing hate: leading elected Greens L-R Councillors Liz Wakefield and Leo Littman, Caroline Lucas MP, Councillors Phelim Mac Cafferty and former Brighton & Hove Mayor Bill Randall, Councillor Rob Jarrett and Keith Taylor MEP

Leading Greens and activists in Brighton and Hove attended the counter-demonstration to the Far Right ‘March for England’ to show our city stands up to racism and hate.

Brighton MP Caroline Lucas, former Brighton & Hove Mayor Bill Randall and Keith Taylor Green Euro-Mp for the Southeast England all showed support at the counter-demonstration on the rain-swept seafront.

Green Councillor Phelim Mac Cafferty said, “This unwanted group keep returning to our city because it represents everything they detest.

“Their message has no place in our city, a city that welcomes everyone except those who seek to promote hate and bigotry.

Some activists gather at Brighton Clock Tower
Pic: Green activists gather at Brighton Clock Tower ahead of the counter-demonstration

“As Greens we were proud to help promote a message of hope for our city as a counterpoint to intolerance and hate.

“We love our city and the safe haven it is for many minority communities and we don’t want that threatened by the cancer of racism or prejudice. We will not allow the politics of hatred to divide us.”

For more information please contact the Green Party office on 01273 766 670.


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