Greens commemorate International Trans Day of Remembrance


Trans symbolic flagGreen councillors on Brighton & Hove City Council are commemorating the Trans Day of Remembrance, an international day to remember those who have been killed as a result of transphobic hatred or prejudice.

The council’s civic buildings will be flying the trans flag this week in the run up to Brighton & Hove’s remembrance event on Sunday at the Dorset Gardens Methodist Church in Brighton. [1]

Deputy Leader of the Council Phélim Mac Cafferty, who is speaking at the event on SPhelim Mac Caffertyunday commented, “Every 36 hours, somewhere in the world, a trans person is murdered simply for being trans.

“This is simply not acceptable and on Trans Day of Remembrance in Brighton and Hove, we especially remember Brightonian, Andrea Waddell, who was taken from us in 2009.

“We cannot forget local trans people who have suffered from violence and prejudice in Brighton & Hove.

“These tragedies are often glossed over, fuelling further hatred.

“Trans people report prejudice in accessing frontline services, and as a result their community experiences greater health problems

“Trans people have the right to live free from fear and violence. We are very proud to have established a cross-party Scrutiny Panel on trans equality on the Council.

“There has been inadequate awareness for too long about the trans community when it comes to things like their safety, welfare and indeed how they access goods and services.”

Phélim concluded, “There is much work to do, so Trans Day of Remembrance offers a sombre day to reflect and remember those who have sadly fallen to hatred, and to campaign for trans rights.”



For more information please contact Brighton and Green Party office on 01273 766 670.

[1] Information about the Brighton Transgender Day of Remembrance event here:

Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Sunday November 25, 2012, 3pm-5pm


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