Greens win all party backing on investigation into experiences of trans people in Brighton & Hove


A Green councillor’s request for Brighton & Hove City Council’s Scrutiny function to explore the needs and experiences of trans people in Brighton & Hove has been unanimously backed at a meeting this afternoon.

Phelim Mac CaffertyThe proposal from Councillor Phelim Mac Cafferty was to convene a panel to look at hate crimes, health and community safety.

Phelim commented, “The council recently supported the launch of a new campaign to make Brighton and Hove the UK’s first zero tolerant city for LGBT hate crime, and we should show our commitment by taking it a step further.

“For example a disproportionately high percentage of trans people are reported as having mental health problems – much of which is down to discrimination, which causes depression and anxiety.

“Many also have problems accessing services because of prejudice and misunderstanding.

“The incredible work of FTM Brighton and the Clare Project shows us the way forward; we must show our support and our solidarity with this marginalised community in the city.”

*The proposal came forward to an Overview and Scrutiny Commission meeting this afternoon (Tuesday 27th March). The scoping report can be viewed here:

For more information please contact the Brighton and Hove Green Party office on 01273 766 670.



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