Green councillor welcomes Hove education deal


Alex PhillipsIn response to the announcement that City College in Brighton has agreed a 30 year lease with Brighton and Hove City Council for the Connaught Centre, Connaught Road, Hove, Green Goldsmid councillor Alex Phillips commented: “I’m delighted to see that the council and the college have finally managed to come to an agreement.

“Congratulations to parents involved in Action for Kids who’ve been arguing the case for these urgently needed school places for some time now.

“We look forward to seeing the centre formally open next September.”


For more information please contact the Brighton and Hove Green Party office on 01273 766 670.

*The Connaught Centre is being leased by City College to the council for a thirty year period
*The building is to be converted to allow reception classes to begin from September 2011, with a working group for the development being established before Christmas.
*The centre will be run by a local school on a satellite basis – an arrangement to be agreed in due course.


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